The Paleo Diet in Detail

caveman health diet
caveman health diet

On this article I'll describe in detail the seven steps to help you better understand the different contexts of these stone age diet.

The principles of the Paleo diet in detail

# 1 Sugar

Sugar is a carbohydrate that is digested in the body very quickly and can raise blood sugar levels quickly and accordingly strong. This leads to a sharp increase as the level of insulin.

Insulin is a hormone, a hormone called memory. It ensures that energy in this case blood sugar is stored and at the same time ensure that no previously stored energy is released.

A permanently elevated insulin levels are the cause of many diseases, starting with hyperinsulinism, insulin resistance and diabetes on hypertension to heart disease, dementia and Alzheimer's.

So who takes large amounts of readily available carbohydrates such as sugar or white flour to be the one hand ensures that his body more energy (in the form of body fat) stores rather than reduce fat storage. At the same time the susceptibility to the numerous so-called lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes increases etc.

Therefore, you should completely eliminate sugar. This includes any sweet drinks such as fruit juices, iced tea, vitamin drinks, soft drinks, sweetened coffee and tea. And of course, you should also avoid any sweets.

# 2 cereals and legumes

The myth of "healthy whole grains" may not be fatal. Grain is very rich in carbohydrates (sometimes up to 80%) and it is therefore suitable for large variations in blood sugar levels cause - more on this in Step # 1 - sugar.

In addition, cereal contains so-called anti-nutrients: gluten, lectins and phytic acid. These are substances that have the ability to bind to the intestinal walls, especially of the small intestine and damaging them. Thereby, the absorption capacity is deteriorated for other nutrients, which are therefore no longer available to the body. They occur on this path in the bloodstream to distant organs.

In this way, some auto-immune diseases occur (eg, various allergies and also multiple sclerosis, see also this post about Dr. Loren Cordain). The intestine can, simply put, are "leaky", the so-called "leaky gut syndrome" is created (to German intestinal leak or Sickerdarm syndrome). The lectins, which now flow through the entire body, attach themselves to other organs and the body defends itself against accordingly. He reaches the lectins - and with them also healthy tissue and organs. A problem arises inflammation and manifests itself in symptoms such as arthritis, Crohn's disease, fibromyalgia, irritable stomach or thyroid problems. Among the affected organs is the pancreas, which is sometimes so hard hit that it fails, which can lead to diabetes type-1.

Some of these are common complaints among people who suffer from the so-called celiac disease, or gluten intolerance. In fact, however, this problem occurs in most people without this disease diagnosed on (the actual number is high, only 1 out of 8 is diagnosed). There are so many more people affected than is known only to express the symptoms varies.

Grain is consumed by humans only since the beginning of agriculture about 10,000 years ago in larger quantities. Compared with human evolution, which went on for many hundred thousand years, this relatively short period of time was not enough apparently to optimize the digestive tract of all people for grain consumption. Not everyone suffers equally under the anti-nutrient load, which is currently attributed to the epigenetics. Corn and rice are also cereals with high carbohydrate content. However, particularly white rice contains only a few anti-nutrients, making it less of a concern in small dimensions.

Of course, other foods contain anti-nutrients and there may be incompatibilities for different components. However, in many cereals particularly problem sources are combined in high doses.

It is therefore advisable as completely as possible to refrain from cereals and cereal products. These recommendations apply consistently for legumes (beans), but in some (!) Lesser degree.

# 3 vegetable fat

Vegetable fats and margarines usually contain large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids and trans-fatty acids often ("hydrogenated fat"). Due to the spread of vegetable oils and margarine in today's diet of man lies in front of a large excess of these fatty acids.

Polyunsaturated fats tend to oxidize quickly, so going rancid. This happens faster if stored improperly (light and heat), as is often the case in the trade.
Omega-6 fatty acids lead to excess inflammation (more on omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and their interrelationships can be found here (Step # 6 - omega 6: omega 3)
Trans fats cause inflammation in the body, increasing the risk of heart disease and promote the storage of body fat. (Read more)

These plant fats are so unhealthy and potentially very far-reaching, negative consequences for health.

By using no more vegetable fat and instead use saturated animal fats such as lard or butter, you can reduce their intake of trans fat and omega-6 fatty acids. The only exception: Coconut oil is the only widely available vegetable fat that contains saturated fat, therefore, it is also highly recommended. Moderate amounts of olive oil, which consists mainly of monounsaturated fatty acids, are also problematic.

Always try to avoid using vegetable fat and margarine and limit yourself to animal fats such as butter or lard. Coconut oil and olive oil form regarding vegetable fats exceptions, since they consist mainly of saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids. These are rather straightforward.

# 4 Processed Foods

Highly processed foods such as ready meals, fast food and instant soups almost always contain more or less hidden much sugar, vegetable fats and artificial additives such as glutamate, flavor enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers and flavorings. These substances are often harmful to health. Although the legal requirements in the regulation are complied with, but over the long-term effects of these substances still mostly young unknown. For example, demonstrated that glutamate acts stimulating appetite and leads to excessive food intake. Moreover, it is inter alia associated with certain sweeteners suspected to result in degenerative diseases.

Do not use highly processed foods such as ready meals and fast food, and they remove many artificial toxins from their diet.
# 5 fruit

Fruit contains quite a lot of vitamins. However, this is no reason to change his diet to whole fruit. Because fruit also contains sugar, among other things, in the form of fructose. Although recording of the sugar is in the blood (see Step # 1 - sugar) by the fiber in the fruit slows untreated, however, you should be aware of the sugar content. Half an apple already corresponds to about a heaping teaspoon of sugar.

Historically, the fruit was more people in much smaller quantities than are available today. In westernized industrial nations, however, we have all year access to almost all fruits. This increases the amount of consumed sugar. Additional sugar on fresh fruit and canned exacerbates the problem.

It is therefore important to have an eye on the fruit intake. Fruit is healthy and tasty, but in excess can bring too much sugar and particularly fructose in the body. When in doubt, focus more on berries like blueberries or strawberries, they contain less sugar.

# 6 Milk

Just as cereals and other animals' milk consumed by humans until relatively recently, ie since about 10,000 years at most. Milk from cows contains various substances for their digestion of the human body is not designed perfectly to this day. Best known is the lactose intolerance, which is quite common especially outside Europe. Among the other substances in the milk are animal hormones (regardless of the diet and treatment of animals) that favor the cultivation of body fat. If the animals are fed on grain (which is standard practice in conventional farming), access may also lectins (see Step # 2 - cereals) in the milk.

The Paleo diet is the lack of milk probably the most controversial issue. While many people tolerate milk without any side effects, the waiver it can often eliminate problems such as acne, obesity, digestive problems and many allergies and autoimmune diseases.

If you have health problems or difficulties with losing weight, it is possible that the omission of milk and dairy products can help them!

# 7 Omega 3: Omega 6

Due to the spread of vegetable oils and margarine in the diet of people today there is a strong imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. This is very unhealthy and has far-reaching, negative consequences for health. Because much less omega-3 fatty acids are consumed from, for example fish, there is a greater susceptibility to infections, and insulin resistance (see step # 1 - sugars). Use by using no more vegetable fat and saturated or monounsaturated fats instead (see step # 3), you can reduce their intake of omega-6 fatty acids. An exception is coconut oil: It is the only available vegetable fat that contains saturated fat. Therefore, it is highly recommended. Small amounts of olive oil, which consists mainly of monounsaturated fatty acids, are also problematic.

More about omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and their interrelationships can be found here and here.

By eating more fish, only beef from grazing and animal products produced biologically high-quality, you can also increase their omega-3 fat intake. Because by (only) animal welfare these animals can also produce omega-3 fatty acids (see meat as a medicine). Additionally, it may be advisable to take high quality fish oil supplements. Go here: to read my paleo primal burn review to lose fat fast.